VÚ včelařský, s.r.o. Libčice nad Vltavou - katalog Clavius
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Základní , ISBD , Citace , UNIMARC , MARC21


Signatura :636
Hlavní autor :Nolan W. J.; Kenoyer Leslie Alva; Park O. W.
Další autoři :Marvin G.E.; Wilson; Berholf
Hlavní název :Breeding the Honeybee under controlled Conditions; Seasonal Brood - Rearing Activity of the Cyprian honeybee; Success in the Artificial insemination of Queen Bees at the Bee Culture Laboratory; Environmental influences on Nectar Secretion; Studies on The Changes in nectar concentration Produced by the Honeybee, Time Factors in Relation to the Asquisition of Food by the Honeybee; Nectar Secretion of the Tuliptree or Yellow Poplar; mechanics of Digestion of Pollen by the Adult Honey bee and the Relation of Undigested Parts to Dysentery of Bees; Some of the Characteristic s of Yeasts Found in Fermenting Honey; Winter Protection for the Hone Bee Colony; Reactions of the Honeybee to Light; Value of Foods other Than Pollen in Nutrition of the Honeybee
Vydáno : USA
Klíčová slova :chov včel - Kyperská včela medonosná - inseminace včel - pyl - nektar - trávení pylu - úplavice včel - kvasinky v medu
Přír. čísla :566 636

 LOKACE EXEMPLÁŘŮ SignaturaPřír.číslo Status
 Knihovna  636  566  K vypůjčení